Friday, March 22, 2013

My Testimony, by Jeffrey Hoyt

My testimony in the faith begins in my infancy. I was born and raised in a Christ-centered, single-parent home. My mother raised me in a very conservative church of Christ, and I was active, well above average, in Sunday School, youth group, and other church  activities. I was baptized when I was nearly 12 years old, in 1986. From then on I was even more active, even participating in youth ministry, learning to preach, lead singing, etc. I was a “good kid”. Adults were impressed with me, and I relished the attention. After graduating high school I went to Bible college, and immediately got involved in a monthly preaching ministry in a nearby church. During the summer between my 2nd and 3rd years of college I got married, and took a regular part-time preaching position at another nearby church.
I was “living the dream” – 22 years old, married to a beautiful young woman, and in a position of respect and leadership. But all was not well. I was struggling inside with dedication to both my schooling and church responsibilities. By the end of my 4th year of Bible college I was several credits short of graduating with a Bachelor's degree.I had fostered poor study and devotion habits, but I knew it was going to get better. After all, I was a preacher, and preachers were by nature spiritually dedicated people.

Over the next six years I was in either part-time or full-time preaching ministry, but I continued to struggle at every turn. My poor devotion habits turned into spiritual neglect, which turned into shameful personal actions. I began to realize that I was standing before the church every Sunday, but Monday through Saturday I was living in spiritual bondage. At the same time I began to see cracks in the hard-line dogma that I had been brought up in. For example, I began to see people from otherchurches bearing the fruit of the Spirit, and exhibiting strong godly character. Also, the church I was leading began having serious financial troubles, due in part to congregational decisions made against my advice. Finally in June, 2004, I made the decision to resign, and completely step away from preaching ministry. God had powerfully convicted my spirit, and I realized that my entire relationship with Him was built on the false premise of legalism. I learned, the hard way, that the letter of the Law kills. Spiritually, I was dead.

After a period of intense soul-searching, together with my wife, I was baptized into Christ in June 2007 – this time trusting nothing but the Grace of God. I had nothing to bring, I was empty-handed. I realized for the first time that God had alwayswanted me to come to Him empty-handed, so that HE could fill me. I also realized that my salvation was secure, not because of my own effort, but because of the completed work of Christ on the cross. God showed me that even when I was too weak to hold on to Him, He was still holding on to me!

This concept alone was an absolute life-changer for me. Instead of struggling to achieve righteousness through my own efforts, I was grantedthe righteousness of Jesus Christ. For the first time in my life, I knew true freedom in Christ. And at that point, God began healing my soul. In the years since then, He has been opening my eyes and working in me in very powerful ways. He has been teaching me and equipping me to serve the Body of Christ. He has put a passion within me to lead others out of the bondage of both sin and legalism, and show them the same freedom in Christ that I found.

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